CHARLOTTE, NC - - In years past, I've only really watched the Stanley Cup Finals. I live down in the Southeastern part of the US, so hockey just doesn't really have a presence (at least, not like it does in the northern part of the country), so playoff hockey was usually all I watched. But, the interesting thing is that... I don't ever remember it being so controversial. I know hockey's not a nice sport--there are always going to be fights and booing and yelling and just general anger. And, I know that me not being an avid hockey fan might be a part of this, too. At the end of the day, all of these teams are fighting for the same thing. They want the Cup. There are right and wrong ways to go about this, though, and I think a large part of the issue I have with this first round of the playoffs is what the league is doing--or, rather, isn't. It's not a question that the coach's challenge this year has been a mess. That's often what happens when you t...